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Instagram For Brands

Theres a noticeable trend in advertising from Twitter to Instagram for brands? We at i-transact recognize this because, ya know, were cool like that. Maybe its a USA thing. Maybe its the organic, human-made feel that Instagram content seems to have compared to the more complex, curt, robotic nature of Twitter. Its really incredible to see just how many brands are coming alive to the Instagram stage! Even more traditional brands have taken to the simplistic approach that IG facilitates. Twitter is still the original brand/content pusher but we at i-transact would like to recognize IG for its commitment to mere photography and text. Thats it! Maybe words and images are enough to produce a good, branded message. Other Instagram Apps like Boomerang (playing a moment over and over and over again) also retain the same simplicity that IG is known for. Its fascinating that brands are finding so much integrated yet authentic advertising space on Instagram with palatable images readers can relate to. Its almost as if other humans actually control these pages. Great job, Insta!

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